on 2014 in pictures…

If I had to pick 1 word I had to use to describe 2014, I would choose laughter. And although it was a very challenging year, I think a smile was plastered on my face most of the time. When it wasn’t tears, I was smiling through it all. My mentor from university (yes Miss Andie, that’s you) taught me that happiness was a choice and while I’m still learning to choose happiness in every situation. Looking through my camera roll has made me realise that for the most part of this year, when I chose it, I was happy!

Change was also a constant them for me in 2014 and through change, I met some AMAZING souls, worked on friendships that I had let suffer and refused to succumb to fear.

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I have been blessed and I’m making a choice to take happiness along with me throughout 2015.

on beneath these tears…

Beneath these tears...

Beneath these tears…

Beneath these tears

Is a strong woman, a highly seasoned woman

A fervent woman, a comical woman


Beneath these tears

Is a goddess, an African Princess

A descendant of Nefertiti


Beneath these tears

I will no longer give you the power

Of turning my smiles into frowns

Or allowing tears to cascade down my face

Beneath these tears

I feel sorry for you

I am ashamed on your behalf

And I pity you


Beneath these tears

You will never know

The vivaciousness that I possess

Or the reason for that sparkle in my eye

Or the progression that made me, me


Beneath these tears

You will never get to meet the woman I described!

You will never get to know this child of the most high


But most importantly,

Beneath these tears,

I want you to know that I forgive you

And I wish you well! 

on growing up…

When it comes to romantic relationships, I rarely blog about them because I don’t consider myself an expert. But as I grow up and watch and learn from those around me, I would like to believe I have learnt a lot in my 25 years on this earth.

Relationships can be complex. Having two people brought up in different homes with different cultural backgrounds coming together and trying to live in the same environment can lead to some interesting events. That being said, the reason I write today’s post is because I have learnt something about myself and about relationships. And because a lot of my friends (guys and gals) are getting married or planning to get married and I worry about their expectations.

I am a big cynic when it comes to marriage. I have seen too many divorces, too many cases of abuse, too much sadness with some relationships for me to want to jump with joy at the prospect of being married. In spite of this, I believe others do find their happily ever after. And I think one’s mindset has a lot to do with it. I believe in love. But I want the old school love. The love that is pure and unconditional. The selfless 1 Corinthians type of love. A love built on respect and trust. I know this love exists within me so I know that once I find this kind of love, it will be easy for me give it back.

When a couple decides they are ready to settle down and tie the knot, I think a lot of growing up has to be done by both parties. I cannot speak on behalf of men because I am not a man. So I will speak for women. I will speak of the type of wife I aspire to be. The type of wife I pray that my brothers, cousins and friends will find. For she is worth far more than rubies. I think to get married, a woman has to be in the right mindset. Marriage is not child’s play. It is not a game nor is it a toy, it is a union to be taken seriously. That being said as a woman, I have to accept that I must be submissive in order to get married.

Before all the independent women draw and load their guns, let me clarify. The Bible says, wives, submit to your husbands and husbands in turn must love their wives. I’m hard headed and strong-willed. But I realise for any relationship to work, especially marriage, there cannot be 2 bulls in the pen. I cannot always get my way. There has to be a level of respect, understanding and listening to. I understand submission as an attitude of love, respect and gentleness in the way you speak and act toward your husband.

Submission means sometimes he is going to make decisions without consulting me first but instead of checking to which level my vocal chords can reach, I submit and we discuss like grown ups. Why? Because I am a woman, and my role is to submit. I often wonder how our mothers and grandmothers got their men to do their bidding. And I realise, it has a lot to do with submission. They found non confrontational way to voice their opinions and got their way. They listened to their men and in turn their men listened back. You cannot change a person. But to be ready for marriage, you have to be willing to die to self every single day and fall in love with your partner anew every single day. To die to self, to be selfless and place your partner first. The nice thing about true love is that you will not feel used or as if you are the only one giving into this relationship but you will be equally yoked with your partner. It will be a mutually satisfactory relationship.

A relationship must be based on compromise and sometimes as a woman I have to be willing to let things go for the good of the relationship. So try it ladies, the next time your fiancé does something and you’re about to blow a gasket, submit. See how it ends for you. And if you find you cannot submit, then maybe you are not ready for marriage…

on my sugar…

There is that man in every woman’s life. The one that teaches her to love. He loves her so much, so passionately, 1 Corinthians 13 makes so much sense.  He wakes up every day and all he can think about is how to make her happy. His intentions are pure. You can feel the love. There are no games, no strategies, just a man who simply loves a woman. And that love is so perfect in its innocence. To him, you are the world and everything else doesn’t matter. He will do everything in his power to make you happy. Because at the end of the day, your happiness is all that really ever counts! He is that guy who is always looking out for you and even after you tell him, you guys can’t date, he stays in your life because he loves you. He hates having to drop you off at home in the evenings after hours and hours of chatting about everything and nothing. He makes you feel special! In a gathering he makes you feel like all the other women in the room don’t exist!

Every woman has one of those.

Most of us didn’t feel the same way about the guy so we had to turn him away but I believe these guys are in our lives for a reason. They teach us to love. They teach us how good love is supposed to feel. They teach us that love is selfless and seeks no fault. Love, true love is uncomplicated. It has no baggage. Only the present and the future.

Every woman has one of these guys in her life. I have one of these guys in my life. And I just want to appreciate him and say thank you. Thank you for teaching me that there is hope, that a man can truly love a woman. Thank you for showing me how to love!

And to the men that we do eventually marry, thank these men because they taught us how to love you the way you need to be loved!

On the Star Bwoy effect…

Guy: Hey, I’m leaving town today.

Girl: What? Why?

Guy: I got a job in xxx.

Girl: Really? Is it permanent?

Guy: No, it’s a 6 month contract

Girl: So you”ll be back in December…

Guy: Yeah, unless they renew the contract…

Girl: So, are we like taking a break?

Guy: yeah, something like that.

Girl: Will you come back and visit?

Guy: Of course dear. You know I love you, right!

Girl: *whispers* yeah, I love you too.

Guy: Just hold on. You deserve better than me

Girl:  I don’t want ‘better’! I want you! I love you! I don’t want anybody else!

Guy: I wish things could remain as they are but for your sake, our sake, our future, you need to move on. I will always love you!

Girl: *breaks into tears*I’m going to miss you

Cue sad love song here (pick between one, two, three, four songs)

Guy: Me too.* walks away*

End scene

A good friend of mine moved to another town. He told me about the move after he had already left town. It felt like we were going through breaking up. And because we all know I have a very vivid imagination and he indulges me, I wrote out a little scene for how it all went down. Ok, so I embellished on some of the finer points but that’s what it felt like. We’ve been friends for over a decade. Whenever I need a pick me up, I know I can count on him. If I want to go out and have fun, all I have to do is pick up the phone.  The friendship will always be there but it was nice to know that he was in the same town. Now I have to wait 3 hours and 190 kilometres.